A downloadable game for Windows

Smiley face
Brodding is FREE 2d, local and soon ONLINE multiplayer fighting madness, perfect for all kinds of drinking contests! Initially started as a game jam game, but made instanely fun in the following weeks, and is now ready to see the world! We'll be adding stuff to the game, based on the feedback, and we can't wait!

Trailer is slightly dated!

This is only a preview/demo of the game, but more stuff such as accessories and animations, and online multiplayer are in the works!
To stay up-to-date follow us on twitter! @icefixgames

Smiley face

  • 2 player stick fighting madness!
  • looots of different attack animations!
  • simple gameplay, you can play it drunnk, effectiveness questionable
  • accessoriess, animations, and more acessories! (wip)
  • online multiplayer (wip)

Smiley face

Will it have ONLINE multiplayer?

Will it have multiple arenas?
Ofcourse! Bro fights happen anywhere!

Is it really free?
FREE as in free beer!

Where can I found out more?
Our Website
Steam page
Our Steam Group (for first ONLINE tests!)

What is currently cooking! ;)

Smiley face
Smiley face

Enjoy smashing your family members and friends!


brodding_demo.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

Download, extract, double click the Brodding icon!